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, we recommend that you take
BodyBio PC (Phosphatidylcholine)
Butyrate: Gut Health Supplement
Balance Oil (Omega 6 + 3)
BodyBio PC (Phosphatidylcholine)
From $60.99
Butyrate: Gut Health Supplement
From $26.99
Balance Oil (Omega 6 + 3)
From $19.99
From $9.99
BodyBio PC (Phosphatidylcholine)
Butyrate: Gut Health Supplement
Balance Oil (Omega 6 + 3)
Your interest:
Phosphatidylcholine improves liver functioning by repairing and protecting liver cells from damage.*
Our gut mucosa is made up of ~80% phosphatidylcholine and over 70% of our immune system comes from the health of our gut. You need a healthy gut for a resilient immune system. PC promotes a healthy gut mucosa - providing intestinal barrier defense against toxins. *
Supporting our brain health enhances our quality of life. Phospholipids protect our neurons, assist in acetylcholine production, while also improving mental function, alertness, and motor skills.*
Butyrate promotes a healthy gut by improving barrier functioning and protecting against intestinal permeability (aka Leaky Gut).*
Phospholipid metabolism regulates lipid, lipoprotein, and whole body energy metabolism. Optimal phospholipid levels are essential for optimal metabolism.*
Linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid have been shown to improve lipid profiles and improve insulin sensitivity.* Both key players In keeping your heart healthy. *
Essential fatty acids are essential not only because of their physiological importance but because they must come from our diet. EFA’s are necessary for normal immune functioning and improve both B and T cell mediated responses. *
Linoleic acid is an essential building block of cerimides, your skin’s main moisturizing element. Linoleic acid helps make a strong skin barrier protecting your skin from toxins, UV light, and aging.*
Sodium, potassium and magnesium play essential roles in basic metabolic pathways that support fundamental cellular functions. Their integral role in energy metabolism makes them critical for brain and muscular functioning.*
Sodium, potassium and magnesium are essential for maintaining water and electrolyte balance. They also help maintain blood volume and blood pressure and help with the delivery of nutrients to our muscles, and the removal of waste products like lactic acid.*
You Chose: .
Phospholipids provides the raw material your cells need to function and continue to keep you healthy and prevent health issue. Levels of phospholipids decrease with age.*
Phospholipids are the raw material your cells need as you age to improve cognitive performance, support cellular health, and keep your body healthy - all while helping to prevent the onset of disease.*
Toxic and environmental insults can greatly effect your levels of Phospholipids. Our PC supports your cells and organelles like mitochondria with the raw material they need to start functioning well again.*
Phospholipids support healthy fetal development and may even help provide some relief from baby brain! It is also great support for your and babies nutrition as you breastfeed.*
97% of Americans do not eat enough fiber. We need specific fibers called resistant starches to produce ample levels of Butyrate in the gut.*
97% of Americans do not eat enough fiber. We need specific fibers called resistant starches to produce ample levels of Butyrate in the gut.*
97% of Americans do not eat enough fiber. We need specific fibers called resistant starches to produce ample levels of Butyrate in the gut.*
Balance Oil supports cell membrane fluidity. Through better nutrition and supplementation, you can optimize your body’s ability to rejuvenate itself - helping you stay ahead of cellular deterioration while delivering the nutrients your body and brain need to get the most out of life. *
Balance Oil supports the body’s natural cellular function by targeting the main biochemical effects of aging - issues like oxidative stress, natural mitochondrial deterioration and more. You can optimize your body’s ability to rejuvenate itself - helping you stay ahead of cellular deterioration.*
Balance Oil supports the body’s natural cellular function by targeting issues like oxidative stress, mitochondrial deterioration and more. You can optimize your body’s ability to rejuvenate itself - preventing cellular deterioration while delivering the nutrients your body and brain need to get the most out of life.*
Balance Oil contains Omega 3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) from organic flaxseed oil and Omega 6 linoleic acid (LA) from organic, unrefined and unheated safflower oil. The two mother essential fatty acids critical to healthy fetal development and brain health.*
E-Lyte mimics electrolyte levels in the body for optimal hydration. Formulated with the three ingredients you need to bring electrolytes back to the perfect pH balance - Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium. No nonsense added.*
E-Lyte is the perfect combination of sodium which contracts muscles, potassium, which relaxes them, and magnesium, which plays a role in more than 300 enzymatic processes and is the force that drives potassium to relax a contracted muscle. Ideal for anyone looking to reduce painful cramps and stay energized all day—without all the unnecessary ingredients.*
BodyBio E-Lyte is the perfect combination of sodium which contracts muscles, potassium, which relaxes them, and magnesium, which plays a role in more than 300 enzymatic processes and is the force that drives potassium to relax a contracted muscle. Ideal for those suffering from chronic illness as there are no sugars, sweeteners, or additives.*
Bye leg cramping! BodyBio E-Lyte is the perfect combination of sodium which contracts muscles, potassium, which relaxes them, and magnesium, which plays a role in more than 300 enzymatic processes and is the force that drives potassium to relax a contracted muscle. Ideal for pregnant women, or anyone looking to reduce painful cramps and stay energized all day—without all the unnecessary ingredients.*
dietary restrictions :
You'll want to select our liquid versions of our supplements when possible. Elyte, the Butyrates and all our liquid minerals are also vegan. Balance Oil liquid is needed for cellular health as these EFAs are typically lacking in a vegan diet.*
Great, we recommend looking into adding bioactive lipids such as our Balance Oil and PC to achieve ketosis. E-Lyte is a great addition to offset "Keto Flu" and Butyrate is typically needed for these diets with the lack of resistant starch consumption.*
Secondary Recommendation
We also recommend BodyBio PC (Phosphatidylcholine) Butyrate: Gut Health Supplement Balance Oil (Omega 6 + 3) E-Lyte because of your interest in improvingBodyBio PC (Phosphatidylcholine)
Balance Oil (Omega 6 + 3)
BodyBio PC
Phospholipids support healthy fetal growth and may help pregnant women with mental clarity and brain fog aka baby brain.* During breastfeeding, increased phospholipids not only help with milk supply but also provide critical nutrients for a developing brain.*
Balance Oil
We do not make essential fatty acids in our body, we must consume them. And there is a reason they are the main ingredients in baby formula. EFA's like those in Balance Oil are critical for healthy brain development.* Added bonus, they also help with milk supply and milk quality when breastfeeding.*
You’re probably aware that you need more nutrients—calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals—while pregnant or breastfeeding. But did you know that electrolytes are especially vital in this time?! Electrolytes help with healthy pregnancies, in preventing those horrible leg cramps, and increased milk production.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.