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in 1995
This 2025, Feel Like Yourself in 1995
The problem is, our ability to make phospholipids decline with age. And we need these healthy fats to age well.* The solution? BodyBio PC.
Your brain starts to lose phospholipids as early as your 20s, reaching up to 20% loss by your 80s (even if you’re healthy!) Lipids can be absorbed from food, but not in a high enough quantity to support a healthy adult in today’s world.
That’s why it’s important to supplement pure phospholipids for healthy aging and brain function well into your golden years.¹
BodyBio PC is formulated with all key phospholipids, with the highest being Phosphatidylcholine, the main component of our cell membrane, to get your PC levels back to a healthy baseline. BodyBio PC promotes cell membrane repair, enhances focus, and sharpens memory, making it a powerful ally for cognitive clarity and long-term vitality.*
BodyBio PC is formulated with all key phospholipids, with the highest being Phosphatidylcholine, the main component of our cell membrane, to get your PC levels back to a healthy baseline. BodyBio PC promotes cell membrane repair, enhances focus, and sharpens memory, making it a powerful ally for cognitive clarity and long-term vitality.*
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Softgels Supplement

BodyBio PC (Phosphatidycholine)
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BodyBio PC — a pure liposomal phospholipid complex — provides the building blocks of your cell membranes, repairing and protecting each of your 40 trillion+ cells*. Aging and toxin exposure cause your cells to break down, and phospholipids are critical to rebuild and maintain their health from the brain to the gut and everywhere in between.
You feel the power of these phospholipids as improved brain function, mental clarity, smoother digestion, better detox, and more consistent energy*. That’s what makes BodyBio PC the foundation for your cellular health.
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1. Emre, C., Do, K. V., Jun, B., Hjorth, E., Alcalde, S. G., Kautzmann, M. I., Gordon, W. C., Nilsson, P., Bazan, N. G., & Schultzberg, M. (2021). Age-related changes in brain phospholipids and bioactive lipids in the APP knock-in mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Acta neuropathologica communications, 9(1), 116. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40478-021-01216-4